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Bailey F


Bailey started her yoga journey back in college when she took Yoga as a gym class. While she loved the class it took a few years and her sister becoming a yoga instructor start her journey back up again. As a birthday present she received a 5 class pass to Sangha and after her first class she hasn't left.  Over the next few years she learned as much as she could about yoga and graduated with her RYT-200 certification from Sangha Center for Yoga and Wellness in September 2017.


She is known around the studio as the queen of props because she is trying to lead the charge in taking the stigma away from the use of props. Her wish for new students that may not think yoga is for them is to keep an open mind because even though you may think you are not flexible enough, yoga is a journey and there is so much you can learn about yourself and your body while also learning to touch your toes!

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